Difficil' è nell'onde acerbe, e crude, quando l'irato mar poggia, e rinforza, tener dritto il timone; ma non deve però esperto nocchier perder sì l'arte, che dall'ira del mar rimanga vinto senza opporsi al furor; chè spesse volte vinse l'altrui valor l'aspra tempesta. - Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio

domenica 12 maggio 2013

John 'Iron-Mad' Wilkinson e la prima nave in ferro

Il 14 Luglio 1787 John Wilkinson varò nello Shropshire la prima barca realizzata interamente in ferro e utilizzata per scopi commerciali sui canali navigabili e all'interno delle gallerie sotterranee scavate in Inghilterra per ridurre i costi del trasporto delle merci.

Moneta commemorativa, 1755

"John Wilkinson then turned his attention to building iron boats and barges. He carried out experiments at Bradley in Bilston and had his own section of canal, off the main canal. He had an ingenious smith (one of his foremen), and he was all set to work. Finally, on July 14th 1787, the boat was ready for launching. Great crowds assembled, many great industrialists amongst them, and the firing of 32 pounders announced the crucial moment ... and the iron boat entered the water with a triumphant splash ... The first iron boat was launched at Bradley, Bilston, on July 14th 1787, and the very first iron boat in the world floated on the Bilston canal."  (tratto da <http://www.blackcountrybugle.co.uk/News/Where-was-the-first-iron-boat-really-launched-2.htm>)

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